Loot Burn Kill Repeat

Loot Burn Kill Repeat Loot Burn Kill Repeat Loot Burn Kill Repeat Loot Burn Kill Repeat

LBKR is an action game that takes place on a space station which have been contaminated by an unknown alien parasite. By infecting the stations crew the parasite was able to create an army of monsters and it is up to the player to put an end to it. LBKR's main focus is on action and brain-dead monster slaying, however there are plenty of missions/quests to complete, random events, bounty challenges. Items are generated procedurally at runtime aswell as enemy minibosses. As far as character progression goes, there is a rather basic ability-tree for each one of the 3 playable classes, and as the player gain more experience and increase level upgrades for abilities and attributes are rewarded, such as in the majority of hack 'n slash and rpg games.