The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them

The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them The Best Horses of Red Dead Redemption 2 and How to Find Them

You're not just exploring a vast open world in Red Dead Redemption 2; you're also getting a chance to bond with some of the best digital horses you've ever seen. Let's saddle up and check out the cream of the crop, focusing on their strengths, weaknesses, where to find them, and their stats for health, stamina, acceleration, and handling.


Arabian Horses: The Elite Trio


White Arabian:

This beauty is as wild as it is graceful, found roaming around the northwestern side of Lake Isabella. It's a bit of a challenge to tame but well worth the effort for its balanced stats.

White Arabian


Black Arabian:

Available at the Saint Denis Stable from Chapter 4 onwards, this horse brings improved health and stamina to the table compared to its white counterpart.

Black Arabian


Rose Grey Bay Arabian:

The epitome of the Arabian line and is considered the best horse in the game, available at the Blackwater Stable in the Epilogue. It boasts the best health and stamina of the three.

Rose Grey Bay Arabian

Pros: The Arabian breed stands out with its exceptional stats across the board. They're fast, have high stamina, and are agile, making them perfect for nearly any situation in the game.


Cons: Their elite status comes with a catch. They can be skittish around predators and challenging to calm if spooked. Plus, getting your hands on them requires patience and a bit of game progression.


Missouri Fox Trotter: 

Missouri Fox Trotter

Pros: If you're all about maintaining high speed over long distances, the Missouri Fox Trotter is your go-to. It combines speed with decent health and stamina, ensuring you can escape or chase down anything in the game.


Cons: Similar to the Arabians, you'll need to progress in the story to access them. The Amber Champagne and Silver Dapple Pinto variants become available at specific points, with the former in the Scarlet Meadows Stable in Chapter 4 and the latter in Blackwater Stable at the Epilogue.


Turkoman Horses: 

Turkoman Horses

Pros: Turkoman horses offer a fantastic mix of speed, health, and stamina. They might start slow but their endurance is unmatched, making them perfect for those who want a horse that can handle a bit of everything.


Cons: Like the others, the Turkoman's availability is tied to your progress in the game. The Gold Turkoman becomes available in Saint Denis Stable in Chapter 4, while the Dark Bay and Silver variants are purchasable in the Epilogue from Blackwater Stable and Tumbleweed Stable, respectively.


Each of these breeds has its own unique benefits, so your choice will depend on what you value most: speed, endurance, health, or a balance of all. Whether you're after the sleek Arabian, the steadfast Missouri Fox Trotter, or the robust Turkoman, each horse brings something special to your journey across the Wild West of Red Dead Redemption 2.