X-Men: Next Dimension - Master Cheat Unlock

X-Men: Next Dimension - Master Cheat Unlock

Master Cheat Unlock

Go to the main menu and HOLD L and press Right, Right, left, Left, Down, Up, B.

Unlock Bishop

Beat Arcade Mode with Gambit.

Unlock Blob

Beat Arcade Mode with Bishop.

Unlock Dark Phoenix

Beat Arcade mode with Phoenix.

Unlock New Costumes

Beat Arcade Mode with any mutant to unlock third costumes for all characters.

Unlock Psylocke

Beat Arcade mode with Betsy.

Get Bastion

Finish Story Mode using Magneto without losing any matches. You should fight Bastion. Defeat him to unlock him keep in mind you only have one chance if lose you will have to do the whole story over

Get Sentinel A

Beat Arcade Mode using Cyclops

Get Character's 3rd Costume

Beat Story mode using any character

Get Character's 6th Costume

Beat 10 characters in time attack mode using any character in under 15 minutes

Get Character's 7th Costume

Use team mode and fight with 8 characters. Defeat the entire opponent team by only using 2 or more of your characters to unlock the 7th costume for the characters you used

Wolverine gets his original yellow/blue/black costume.Phoenix gets a red/gold costume similar to Dark Phoenix.Juggernaut, Gambit, and Psylocke get a costume similar to their comic book original.
Beast gets a blue costume with a yellow X on his chest, and he also has a helmet.

Various End Sequences

Using story mode can result in these different endings

Magneto Victory Ending - Defeat Bastion using Magneto

Phoenix Victory Ending - If you lose the Magneto vs Bastion fight you can fight Phoenix vs Bastion

Secret Ending - Get a PERFECT victory in the Phoenix vs Bastion fight and you will unlock Dark Phoenix