WWF Warzone - Move List Sue vFinal

WWF Warzone - Move List Sue vFinal

Move List Sue vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Owen Hart vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Bret Hart vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List The Undertaker vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Ahmed Johnson vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List British Bulldog vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Faarooq vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Goldust vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Kane vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Mankind vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Rock vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Shawn Michaels vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Steve Austin vFinal

by Red Phoenix

Move List Triple H vFinal

by Red Phoenix

View FMV Sequences

At the Title screen press Up Triangle Right Circle Down X Left Square Left Square Left Square Left Square R1 L1 R2 L2 R2 L2. Press X to view Movie 1 or Up X to view the next sequence.

Lions Den Match

During a grudge match press Circle Triangle Square.


At the Title screen when it shows Press Start press Left Left Right Right Circle Triangle Square Square Circle Left Right Left Right. If done correctly you will hear a sound.