Viva Pinata: Party Animals - Achievements

Viva Pinata: Party Animals - Achievements
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

All Your Game Are Belong To Us 50 points: Play all Challenge Events.

Social Flutterscotch 50 points: Finish the game in first place with each of the 8 characters.

Redhott Racer 50 points: Win all Challenge Events and races in a single game.

Megaton 50 points: Finish every race.

Chewnicorn Streak 30 points: As a male character, finish a game while never losing to a female character.

Professor Pester Award 30 points: Use the Fiesta Missile power-up on each of the 8 characters.

Kittyfloss Streak 30 points: Win 8 Challenge Events in a row.

Artful Dodger 30 points: As a female character, finish a game while never losing to a male character.

Catch It if You Can 20 points: Hit every player with a power-up in a single race.

Aiming Artist 20 points: Win 5 Challenge Events in a row.

Do You Feel Lucky, Piñata? 30 points: Collect more than 1,000 pieces of candy while playing as Fergy Fudgehog.

Eaglair Eye Award 20 points: Avoid the snowball in Snow-bowl Dodgeball.

Host with the Most 20 points: Play a game with anyone who has this achievement to earn it. Then, you can "spread" it too.

Loaded Bases 20 points: Hit the farthest target at least 3 times in 1 Launching Loathers game.

Scenic Route 20 points: Win a game of Short Fuse without the Loather ever detonating in your hands.

Pacifist 20 points: Find and use all the shortcuts in the races.

Party Crasher 20 points: Finish the game in any place with each of the 8 characters.

Practice Makes Perfect 20 points: Host 3 games over Xbox LIVE.

Int'l Piñata of Mystery 20 points: Hit the target 4 times in a row in Swing for the Stars.

Don't Be Left in the Dark 20 points: Win a race without using any shortcuts.

Sticky Feet 20 points: Win a race without using a Fiesta Missile, Colored Water Bomb, or Smoke Bomb.

Strike 20 points: Destroy 10 objects in a single race while playing as Petunia Pretztail.

Stuffed 20 points: Win 3 games over Xbox LIVE where you are not the host.

Tricky Treats 20 points: Play the game for 5 hours.

Rainbow of Piñatas 20 points: Use each power-up at least once in a single game.

Game Guru 20 points: Knock each of the other players out of the light in a single game of Spotlight Mania.

Quick Like a Bunnycomb 20 points: Use the Buzzlegum Honey Slick power-up 10 times.

Whirlm Streak 20 points: Get a strike in Bouncy Bowling.

No Wipeouts 20 points: Get more than 99 candies in any single Challenge Event.

Classic Gamer Reward 20 points: Destroy at least 25 pumpkins in a single game of Messy Mayhem.

Bear Hug 20 points: Play each of the 8 characters in 1 of their alternate colors.

Flutterscotch Quickness 15 points: Win the game.

Mama's Boy 15 points: Win 1 race.

Making Friends 15 points: Hit 3 speed strips in a single race.

Gassy Gusts 15 points: Win 3 Challenge Events in a row.

Scene Stealer 15 points: Never fall down in a single race while playing as Franklin Fizzlybear.

Seeing Double 10 points: Enter the classic gamers code while on the START screen. For a hint, go right into your manual&8230;.

Squished 10 points: Never use a power-up on Franklin Fizzlybear while playing as Florence Fizzlybear.

Keep Your Friends Close 10 points: Use the Flutterscotch Wings power-up to overtake an opponent.

Think Fast 10 points: Play a game with someone who hasn't unlocked a Challenge Event you have unlocked.

So Awesome 10 points: Lose to Fergy Fudgehog while playing as Francine Fudgehog.

? 10 points: Play a game over Xbox LIVE, or invite someone to an online game.

? 10 points: Complete a game with all 4 characters playing as Hudson Horstachio.

? 10 points: Get your ship all the way to the finish line in Burps Ahoy.

? 10 points: Beat Hudson Horstachio while playing as Hailey Horstachio.

? 10 points: Finish a game while playing as the same Piñata as at least 1 other opponent.

? 10 points: Jump and ground pound each of the other players at least once in Raisant Stomp.

? 10 points: Complete a multiplayer game offline.

? 5 points: Never get hit in an entire contest by a Fiesta Missile while playing as Paulie Pretztail.

? 10 points: You, the master of unlocking