Underground CD Volume 13 - Machine Hunter Info

Underground CD Volume 13 - Machine Hunter Info

Machine Hunter Info

At the Vault screen of Disc 1 press Square Triangle Circle Square.

Spawn Preview

At the Main Menu of Disc 2 press Triangle Circle Triangle Circle.

Crash Bandicoot 2 Preview

At the Main Menu of Disc 2 press Circle Triangle Square Circle.

Blasto Preview

At the Main Menu of Disc 2 press L1 L2 R1 R2.

PlayStation Second Birthday FMV Sequence

At the Event Center of Disc 1 press Triangle Circle Square.

View Helene Sheeler

At the Code Archive screen of Disc 2 hold Square Circle and press Triangle Triangle.

Apollo 440 FMV Sequence

At the Main Menu of Disc 2 press Triangle Circle Triangle Triangle Square.

Toggle Music

At the Main Menu of Disc 2 press Start.