Turbo Prop Racing - Various Cheats

Turbo Prop Racing - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

Enter any of the following "Names" as a player h3 and indicates a space:

Name Effect
STR View FMV Sequences
RUSH Unlimited Turbo
BOA Extra Powerboats
HURR Hurricane Boat Select Any Boat
QAK Duck Mode
DAY All Daytime Courses
Dx Course Select Daytime Where x is the Course Number
NIT All Night Courses
Nx Course Select Nightime Where x is the Course Number
RRIM All Mirror Courses
Mx Course Select Mirror Where x is the Course Number
FRAC Enable Fractal Track Generator
WINR Always Win Race
BXTR Porsche Mode A memory card must be in the PSX which contains a saved game from Porsche Challenge