Trials HD - Cheat Codesbr

Trials HD
Cheat Codes:

Easy difficulty & Reptile bike:
Pass three beginner tracks

Extreme difficulty:
Pass three hard tracks

Hard difficulty & Phoenix EVO bike:
Pass three medium tracks

Medium difficulty & Scorpion bike:
Pass three easy tracks

Micro Donkey bike:
Pass "National Bike Cup" tournament with a gold medal result

Platinum Club:
Pass one extreme track

Skill game "Delivery":
Pass one beginner track with a gold medal result

Skill game "Down the Stairs":
Pass two beginner tracks with gold medal results

Skill game "Flip Hunter":
Pass two easy medium with gold medal results

Skill game "Giant Ball Outside":
Pass three easy tracks with gold medal results

Skill game "Hill Climb":
Pass two easy tracks with gold medal results

Skill game "In Flames":
Pass three beginner tracks with gold medal results

Skill game "Infernal Pinball":
Pass one medium track with a gold medal result

Skill game "Loose Screw":
Pass three medium tracks with gold medal results

Skill game "Target Hunt":
Pass one easy track with a gold medal result

Pass all tracks in any of the eight tournaments to unlock that tournament


The Creator
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: The player has saved his/her first custom track.

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: The player has completed Groundhog Returns faultlessly without changing the rider's posture.

Full Throttle
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: The player has completed Container Rush without releasing the throttle even for an instant.

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: The player has made at least 5 Gold-level performances.

Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Get a strike in a midnight bowling event.

Leave Nothing in One Piece
Reward: 5 Points
Objective: The player has completely destroyed the motorcycle and broken every single bone in a single crash.

Life is Harsh
Reward: 20 Points
Objective: The player has completed all hard tracks.

Trials Master
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: The player has unlocked every track in the game.

Reward: 40 Points
Objective: The player has completed the Ultimate Endurance tournament without any faults.

Market Meltdown
Reward: 15 Points
Objective: Skyrocketing in Stock Market is only temporary. Be prepared for the fall and the big bang.

Demon on Wheels
Reward: 30 Points
Objective: The Player has completed all Extreme tracks.

The Challenger
Reward: 10 Points
Objective: The player has unlocked the first tournament.