Tales of Vesperia - Unlock Japanese version of quotRing a Bellquot

Tales of Vesperia
Unlock Japanese version of "Ring a Bell":
Finish the game once on any difficulty to have the opening song alternate between Japanese and English tracks.

Glitch: Repede's Body Armor:
Near the end of the game, there's a chance to synthesis an armor called "Aer Fragment", at the same time, there should be 2 synthesizable armors for Yuri and Karol called "Mumbane" and "Mumbane Aer". Well, "Mumbane Aer" is an armor slightly better than "Mumbane" which needed 1 "Aer Fragment" Repede's armor and 1 "Mumbane" itself to synthesis it. Here comes the glitch, synthesis 1 "Aer Fragment", have Repede wearing it, then synthesis a "Mumbane" into the inventory. Now go to synthesis a "Mumbane Aer", a pop-up message will show up to tell that armor that Repede's wearing will be turn into raw material, just proceed, guess what? Repede just got an new armor which can only suppose wear by Yuri and Karol.

Complete each achievement to get the allotted gamerscore:

Ahhh, Memories 30 - Cleared EX Dungeon.
Back up Plan 10 - Save at all Save Points.
Big Game Greenhorn 20 - First Giganto Monster Defeated.
Big Game Hunter 50 - Killed all Giganto Monsters.
Bunny Guild Member 10 - Bunny Guild.
Character Study 10 - View all Skits.
Defeated The Adephagos 200 - Part 3 Clear Game Clear.
Ended Alexei's Ambitions 150 - Part 2 Clear.
Eureka 10 - First Synthesis.
First Strike 20 - First Fatal Strike.
Grand Battles 10 - Killed 1000 Enemies.
Item Nerd 30 - Completed Collector's Book.
Jackpot 10 - 10,000 Chips Won.
Little Mad Scientist 10 - Synthesized 20 Times.
Low Level Challenger 10 - Defeated Barbos at Level 15 or Lower.
Map Nerd 50 - Completed World Map.
Monster Nerd 30 - Completed Monster Book.
No More Grinding 10 - Max Level 200.
Piggybank 10 - Possess 10,000,000 Gald.
Recovered The Aque Blastia 100 - Part 1 Clear.
Secret Mission 1 5 - Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 1 Defeated Zagi while protecting Estellise from Zagi's attacks.
Secret Mission 10 5 - Secret Mission: Outbreaker VS. Outbreaker. You destroyed the core and prevented magic from inverting day and night.
Secret Mission 11 5 - Secret Mission: Belius VS. Belius. You lit up all candlesticks and eliminated the illusions.
Secret Mission 12 5 - Secret Mission: Tison & Nan VS. Nan and Tison. Timed your strikes between their attacks and knocked them down.
Secret Mission 13 5 - Secret Mission: Schwann VS. Schwann. Downed him by attacking when he was clutching his heart after his mystic arte.
Secret Mission 14 5 - Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 4 Fourth battle VS. Zagi. Used Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to force him to recover from poison.
Secret Mission 15 5 - Secret Mission: Baitojoh VS. Baitojoh. Hit it 3 times during it's Ice Edge attack and fished it out of the water.
Secret Mission 16 5 - Secret Mission: Estellise VS. Estillise. Used the item, Mother's Momento.
Secret Mission 17 5 - Secret Mission: Yeager VS. Yeager. Made his heart explode using Raven's Rain arte.
Secret Mission 18 5 - Secret Mission: Alexei VS. Alexi. Downed him by attacking when he was tired after his mystic arte.
Secret Mission 19 5 - Secret Mission: Gusios Fight 2 Attacked his tail, then downed him with a close attack while his feet were raised.
Secret Mission 2 5 - Secret Mission: Golem Downed Goliath by attacking its Achilles' heel while it charged X buster.
Secret Mission 20 5 - Secret Mission: Khroma VS. Khroma. Downed her by timing your strikes between certain of her attacks.
Secret Mission 21 5 - Secret Mission: Flynn VS. Flynn. He used every arte he could, including a mystic arte.
Secret Mission 22 5 - Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 5 Fifth Battle VS. Zagi. Downed him by attacking after he becomes exhausted from Blastia Bane..
Secret Mission 23 5 - Secret Mission: Duke Fight 2 Defeated Duke using a mystic arte.
Secret Mission 3 5 - Secret Mission: Gattuso Learning from Karol's Experience, you used the billybally plants to stun Gattuso.
Secret Mission 4 5 - Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 2 Lured Zagi to the side of the ship and knocked him overboard to cool him off.
Secret Mission 5 5 - Secret Mission: Gusios Fight 1 Downed the Dreaded Giant when it reared back and left itself wide open.
Secret Mission 6 5 - Secret Mission: Gigalarva Raven used Serpent to set a trap for the Gigalarva and prevented it from healing itself.
Secret Mission 7 5 - Secret Mission: Barbos VS. Barbos. You took out the bridge supports, keeping him from calling out more of his thugs.
Secret Mission 8 5 - Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 3 Third battle VS. Zagi. Let him absorb too much magic, destroying his bohdi blastia.
Secret Mission 9 5 - Secret Mission: Pteropus VS. Pteropus. You defeated the Leader Bat and prevented Pteropus from recombining.
Smarty-Pants 10 - Answer All Quiz Questions Correctly.
Speedster 15 - Cleared Game in 15 Hours or Less.
The Hit That Keeps on Hitting 20 - 100-Hit Combo.
They Call Me... 30 - Earn all Titles.
To Points Unknown 10 - Travel for 100,000 KM Outside of Battle.
Too Much Free Time 20 - Play For a Certain Time 100 Hours.
Vesperia Master 0 - Gained All Other Achievements.