Super Comboman

Super Comboman

Achievement How to unlock

Accident Prone 100 Dodoco workers defeated.
Boss P Pulverized 50 Hit Combo on Boss P.
Combo King 100 Hit Combo Achieved.
Fanny Twister 100 Back Smashes Delivered.
Fapjack Fapped 50 Hit Combo on Fapjack.
Fireball Fiend 50 Fireballs hit enemies.
Fruit Finder Consume one of each of the health pick up.
Get Fired! Severance Check Get! Complete the game.
Get Hired! Complete 1st Stage.
Go Platinum Get highest rating on every stage.
Gorilla Gripped 50 Hit Combo on Gorilla Grip first encounter.
Nuggest to the wall 50 Wall Smashed.
Perfect Run Make it through a stage with full health bar.
Perk Perfection Purchased every perk in the combo store.
Reversal Riot Parry 50 Attacks.
Shop-A-Holic Buy all moves and perks.
Slap Box 50 Crates Smashed.
Smashtastic 1000 Smashes Given.
Sticker Head Collect all stickers in game.
Up in Flames 100 Fire Uppercuts hit enemies.