Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Beat the Kobayashi Maru

Star Trek: Starfleet Academy - Beat the Kobayashi Maru

Beat the Kobayashi Maru

At the Cadet Registration screen hold L R Select and press A B A B X Y X Y. Choose a character and press Select to start the game. At the Password screen repeat this code to continue your game. Now you can win the Kobayashi Maru by hailing the Klingons.

New Starships in Training Simulator

At the Simulator Option screen hold L R select and press A Y B Y.

Original Names

At the New Cadet Registration screen hold L R select and press X Y X Y A B A B.

Level Passwords

102 xxxraxalxryy
103 xxxrlyyaxryx
104 xxxryyaxxryl

Special Ending

At the Password Option screen hold L R Select and press X X X A L A R Y A R A A X Y X Y Y A B A B Select. Return to the screen with the picture menus and choose Insignia. Choose Ship. Hail the Kobayashi Maru by choosing A and navigate toward 014021. When the computer says the Klingons are about to attack hail them.

Secret Cadet Names

At the New Cadet Registration screen hold L R Select and press X Y X Y.