Sonic The Hedgehog 2 - Achievements

Sonic The Hedgehog 2
Complete the following achievements to unlock Xbox Live Gamerscore points.

Emerald Hill 5 points: Clear the Emerald Hill Zone 1.

Fast Emerald 15 points: Beat Emerald Hill Zone 1 in under 35 seconds in single-player or co-op mode.

Fast Chemical 20 points: Beat Chemical Plant Zone 1 in under 45 seconds.

Casino 10 points: Get to the Casino Night Zone.

Super Sonic 20 points: Become Super Sonic.

Extended Super 20 points: Stay in Super Sonic mode for one minute.

Chaos Emerald 10 points: Get one Chaos Emerald.

Chaos Master 40 points: Get all the Chaos Emeralds.

Conquering Time 10 points: Beat the game in under an hour.

All Multiplayer 5 points: Play all four multiplayer zones.

Xbox Live Racer 10 points: Win 10 versus zones on Xbox Live.

Win 35 points: complete the game.