Return Fire - Unlock All Levels

Return Fire - Unlock All Levels

Unlock All Levels

OnePlayer: Smiley Bird Heart Clover
TwoPlayer: Smiley Bear Rabbit Flower

Player Handicap

At the Vehicle Selection screen press and hold L1 L2 R1 R2. A vehicle will explode in the row highlighted.


Hold Square X Circle Triangle.

Level Passwords OnePlayer

02 Umbrella Bird Butterfly Flower
03 Face Teapot Bunny Umbrella
04 Bunny Umbrella Bird Bird
05 Flower Umbrella Bunny Teapot
06 Bird Teapot Butterfly Butterfly
07 Bear Bear Clover Bird
08 Bunny Teapot Umbrella Heart
09 Clover Butterfly Bird Heart
10 Heart Butterfly Teapot Heart
11 Umbrella Umbrella Bird Flower
12 Flower Teapot Clover Butterfly
13 Heart Umbrella Clover Heart
14 Bunny Face Flower Clover
15 Bunny Face Bear Bird
16 Flower Umbrella Bird Bunny
17 Flower Bear Heart Umbrella
18 Face Bird Heart Clover

Level Passwords TwoPlayers

02 Butterfly Umbrella Bear Heart
03 Bear Bunny Flower Clover
04 Umbrella Heart Clover Flower
05 Umbrella Bear Bunny Heart
06 Teapot Bird Butterfly Flower
07 Heart Flower Clover Butterfly
08 Heart Bear Bunny Heart
09 Bear Bunny Clover Flower
10 Butterfly Face Umbrella Clover
11 Bear Flower Face Flower
12 Teapot Bear Flower Umbrella
13 Heart Bird Flower Clover
14 Face Bird Clover Teapot
15 Teapot Bird Clover Bear
16 Umbrella Teapot Bird Flower
17 Face Bear Bunny Flower
18 Bunny Heart Flower Bird