Radix: Beyond the Void - Various Cheats

Radix: Beyond the Void - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

Code Effect
NSOPTA Full Armor Shields Energy Weapons Plasma Bombs and Ammo
NSBAGWAN Toggle UltraShields
NSE Full Energy
NSBJIPP Toggle Maneuevering Jets
NSOPTL Surface Illumination
NSBLASTER Toggle Rapid Shield Regeneration
NSHORSLEY Toggle Rapid Energy Regeneration
NSDIEBESTERDS Makes All Weapons Fire Faster
NSFRICOFF Toggles Air Friction
NSDEATH Extra Difficulty Level
NSHALT Press Min Throttle to Hover
NSOPTD Debug Mode
NSWARP ep lvl Warp to Episode ep Level lvl
NSOPTM Show All of Level on Automap