NHL '97 - Debug Mode

NHL '97 - Debug Mode

Debug Mode

During any faceoff while waiting for the puck to drop press L1 L2 L1 R1 followed by one of the buttons below. The word "Entered" will appear on the screen if you entered the cheat correctly.

Effect Button
Add Extra Cameras to replay Square
Speeds Up Gameplay X
Increased Penalties L1
Increased Penalty Shots R1
More Accuracy Shots L2
Easy Goals R2

Debug Mode 2

Enter these just the same as above:

Effect Button
Turn Off Collisions X
Home Team More Powerful Circle
20Second Periods R2

Must Quit and Restart to take effect.

More Fights

At the faceoff screen press L1 L2 L2 R1 Circle while the puck is in the air.

Net Teams

At the h3 entry screen enter "NETHOCKEY" to turn every player into a net.

Strange Flyby

After entering any of the Debug Mode 1 codes abort the game then choose any team and start a new game.