Mystic Heroes - Get M amp S Runes

Mystic Heroes - Get M amp S Runes

Get M & S Runes

M1 Rune: Clear Easy Story Mode.
M2 Rune: Play a 4 Human Player Versus Match.
M3 Rune: Clear Normal Story Mode.
M4 Rune: Complete 10 cooperative matches.
M5 Rune: Complete 20 Versus not co-op matches.
M6: Rune: Complete 20 cooperative matches.
M7 Rune: Complete 50 Versus not co-op matches.
M8 Rune: Clear Hard Story Mode.
M9 Rune: Clear game with all four characters.
S1 Rune: Beat Beginner Stage in Normal Survival.
S2 Rune: Beat Intermediate Stage in Normal Survival.
S3 Rune: Beat Advanced Stage in Normal Survival.
S4 Rune: Beat Beginner Stage in Hard Survival.
S5 Rune: Beat Intermediate Stage in Hard Survival.
S6 Rune: Beat Advanced Stage in Hard Survival

Expert survival mode

Successfully complete the game in survival mode to unlock expert survival mode.


Secret character1: Clear Story mode on the easydifficulty with all four characters.
Secret character2: Clear Story mode on the normal difficulty with all four characters.
Secret character3: Clear Story mode on the Harddifficulty with all four characters.
Secret character4: Clear all four survival stages with all four characters.

Get Mariah

Successfully complete advanced in survival mode

Get Kai

Successfully complete survival mode on the beginner difficulty setting on hard mode

Get Raja

Successfully complete survival mode on intermediate

Get Capt. Dax

Successfully complete survival mode on easy

How to get the goka Rune

First you go to single player mode and pickTie or NajaI picked Tie. Then start the stage look behind you and you will find a symbol, go to the right of the symbol then break that barrel thing mabobber. Then it will say that you have gotten the Goka Rune.