MDK 2: Armageddon - Invincibility

MDK 2: Armageddon - Invincibility


Pause gameplay hold L2 R2 and press Up Up Down Down Left Left Right Right Square Triangle Square Triangle Select.

Mixed Character

Pause gameplay hold L2 R2 and press Up Down Right Left X Triangle Circle Square Square Start.

Kurt in Boxer Shorts

At the Main Menu hold L2 R2 and press Square Square Triangle Square.

Panning Camera

Pause gameplay hold L2 R2 and press Circle X Circle X.

Mad Camera

Pause gameplay hold L2 R2 and press X Circle X Circle.

Slow Motion

As Max hold R2 and press Up Up Up Up.

Fart Sounds from Doctor Hawkins

As Doctor Hawkins press L2 R2 Left X.

Stationary Camera

Pause gameplay hold L2 R2 and press Circle X Circle Triangle.

GameShark Codes
Codes Courtesy of