Line of Sight: Vietnam - Various Cheats

Line of Sight: Vietnam - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

Press the key during gameplay to bring up the console then enter a code below and press ENTER to activate the cheat

/cheatcheat - activate cheats
/fly - flight mode
/ac - Max out ammo, invincibility & flight mode
/invis - Invisibility
/ammo - Max out ammo
/godmode - Invincibility
/winmission - Win the mission
/losemission - Lose the mission
/fovs - FOV render for enemy
/hitlermode - Hitler mode
/arrival - Toggle Arrival point render
/astar - Toggle astar path render
/stats - ????
/noint - ????
/wpdraw - ????
/wpcondraw - ????
/give - ????
/pathdraw - ????
/cvdraw - ????