Klingon Honor Guard - Various Cheats

Klingon Honor Guard - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

Press Tab once then type any of the following "Codes":

Code Effect
allammo All Ammo
behindview 1 External View
behindview 0 Normal View
flush Reset Bad Textures on Walls or Creatures
fly Fly Mode
ghost No Clipping
god God Mode
hideactors Hide All Monsters Weapons and Items
showactors Show All Monsters Weapons and Items
invisible0 Disable Invisibility
invisible1 Invisibility
killall Kill Selected Monsters
killpawns Kill All Monsters
open Level Select
playersonly Disable Timer
slomo Set Game Speed to 1 is Normal
summon Summon Weapon Item or Monster
suicide Suicide
walk Resets No Clipping and Fly Mode