House of the Dead - Cheat Mode

House of the Dead - Cheat Mode

Cheat Mode

At the Options screen press L R R L L R. Then hold L R and press Start to choose any game mode. Hold L R and press Start to display a cheat menu.

Display Score

Press Start to pause game play. Hold L R and press X X X. Replace the controller with a light gun after the code is enabled to resume game play.

Unlimited Ammo

Press Start to pause game play. Hold L R and press Y Y Y. Replace the controller with a light gun after the code is enabled to resume game play.

Play as Sophie or a Researcher

Select Saturn mode. Hold L R and press Up Down X Y Z at the character selection screen. Replace the controller with a light gun after the code is enabled to resume game play.

Full Pause Screen

Pause game play and press X Y Z.