Hearts of Iron - Various Cheats

Hearts of Iron - Various Cheats

Various Cheats

During gameplay press F12 to bring up the console then enter a code below:

rubber - Get rubber

coal - Get coal

steel - Get steel

manpower - More men

oil - Get oil

supplies - 500 supplies

escorts - more escorts

nuke - 1 nuke

war - everyone wants war

nowar - AI doesn't want war

di - Diplomatic influence set to 500

nolimit - troop building limits gone

norevolts - AI revolt toggle

nofog - Fog of war toggle

handsoff - Auto event pause toggle

difrules - Invincibility toggle

fullcontrol - control all nations toggle

showid - province ID toggle

event 1013 - More industrial capacity

transports - More transports

event 1014 - lowers or raises dissent level upon decision
Submitted by Vincent

ships 202 -more ships
Submitted by bob

event 1150 - your goverment is replaced

event 1016 - use to change your politics axis/comintern/allies

event 1017 - use to change your politics axis/comintern/allies

event 1018 - use to change your politics axis/comintern/allies

event 1005 - your dissent will decrease by 5

event 1120 - your country wants war

event 1011 - steal science from other nation

event 1110 - increase war support by 5

event 1004 - 100 manpower

event 1012 - auto develops a tech.

event 2024 - truce with Russiadiscontent agree= -50 disagree= 15

event 2011 - you get Czechoslovakia before Germany have take it

event 2001 - you get Austria before Germany take it