Gumball 3000 - Unlock Big Aluminum Mode

Gumball 3000 - Unlock Big Aluminum Mode

Unlock Big Aluminum Mode

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Left, Up, Down, Right, Square, Square, L2, R2

Get All Steam & Gas turbines

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Up, Up, Down, Up, Square, R1, Down, L2, Square

Get Unlimited Damage

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press L2, L2, R1, R2, Square, Up, Up, Square

UnlockAll Modes

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Square, Square, Square, Left, Right, Down, Right, L1, Down, R2, R2

Unlock All Cars

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press L1, L1, Left, Square, Left, Square, R2, Square, R2

Unlock All Maps

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Down, Down, Up, R2, R2, L1, R2, R2, Down, Square

Unlock All Challenge Tracks

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Down, Down, Down, L2, L2, Down, Right, R2, Square

Unlimited Time

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Down, Down, Up, Up, L2, Up, Up, Square

All Police Levels

At the "Press Start" screen quickly press Left, Left, Square, L2, Square, Up, Up, Square, Left