FZero: Maximum Velocity - Faster vehicles

FZero: Maximum Velocity - Faster vehicles

Faster vehicles

Press A, B, L, A2, R, B at the title screen.

Alternate vehicles

Press A2, B, A, L, R, A, B, L at the title screen.

Slower opponents

Press A, R, L, B, A2, B, L at the title screen.

All tracks

Press B, L, B, A, R, B2, A2 at the title screen.

Password screen

Press L, R, Start, R, L, Select at the machine selection screen in Grand Prix mode.

Soft reset

Hold down the A, B, Start and Select buttons.

In-game reset

Press Select Start A B during game play.

Demonstration mode

Press Select at the title screen.
When you win all of the tracks or have unlocked all ten cars, more demonstration cars and modes will become available. The "Wind Walker" is quite amusing.

Delete saved games

Hold L R and turn on the Game Boy Advance. Select "Yes" at the prompt to delete your game saves.

Obtain ranking password

Select "Ranking" at the main menu. Select the desired series, game, and course. Then, hold L and press Up, Right2, B, Left, B, Right, A at the course ranking screen. The course name at the top of the screen will be replaced with a password to confirm correct code entry. This password is used by Nintendo to confirm your course rank in their contests.

Jet Vermilion

Go to and enter your name exactly, and press "Confirm". You should get a password which will allow you to get the top secret car Jet Vermilion. Enter that password in your game to unlock the car.

At the name entry screen, select "Entry". Then enter T&T as a name.
Start a game under that name. When you reach the machine selection screen in Grand Prix mode, enable the "Password screen" code and enter V-J46V9A-30 as a password. At the name entry screen, select "Entry". Then enter YAZZO JR. as a name including the space. Start a game under that name. When you reach the machine selection screen in Grand Prix mode, enable the "Password screen" code and enter 2-8o8T2YQ30 as a password.

Alternately, enter H-M2XLT8A-30 or 3-KLY9V8?-30 as a password. Then, press Up at the vehicle selection screen.

Turn sharply

Press A repeatedly while turning to turn without hitting the forcefield.

Falcon Mk.II

Win any set of tracks while playing the expert difficulty setting.

Fighting Comet

Win the Pawn, Knight, Bishop and Queen tracks while playing the master difficulty setting.

Jet Vermilion

You can unlock Jet Vermilion by unlocking all other cars and completing championship mode 255 times. Or beat every series on Master Class with all other racers.

Silver Thunder

Win the Queen tracks while playing the expert difficulty setting.

Dirty Joker

Win the Pawn, Knight and Bishop tracks under the standard difficulty setting.

Master difficulty setting

Win the Pawn, Knight, or Bishop series under expert difficulty level in grand prix mode to unlock the master difficulty for that series.


Win the Pawn, Knight and Bishop tracks under the expert difficulty setting.

GameShark Codes
Codes Courtesy of