DJ Max Portable - Play CnP as Bonus Stage

DJ Max Portable - Play CnP as Bonus Stage
Play CnP as Bonus Stage:
In either Rookie DJing, Pro DJing, or Master DJing mode, pass all 4 songs with an average of 95 or higher A, and you will get to play CnP as an extra stage while the credits play. This is the only way to play this song, as you cannot unlock it.

Accumulate the indicated amount of MAX by playing songs. Note: For more MAX per song, use a different NOTE from the gear screen.

8K Master Mode: 2800 MAX
Aqua Gear Gear: 5430 MAX
Ask the Wind Conti Version OST: 15550 MAX
Astro Note Note: 9610 MAX
BLYTHE Song: 38000 MAX
BrokenHeart Note: 13150 MAX
Candy Girl Gear: 3800 MAX
Capsule Note: 41000 MAX
Cat Note Note: 36000 MAX
Chrono Breakers Song: 19150 MAX
DJMAX ONLINE "Battle Room 2" OST: 39000 MAX
DJMAX ONLINE "Lobby Music 1" OST: 21500 MAX
DJMAX ONLINE "Music Select 2" OST: 37500 MAX
DJMAX ONLINE "Ranking Room" OST: 25000 MAX
DJMAX ONLINE "Title Music 1" OST: 18350 MAX
DJMAX ONLINE "Title Music 2" OST: 33500 MAX
DJMAX Online "Win" OST Track: 31000 MAX
Egg Note Note: 2050 MAX
Extreme Note Note: 24500 MAX
FIRE SPEED Course: 3300 MAX
FTR Song: 5810 MAX
Futurism Song: 2300 MAX
Golden Gear Gear: 23500 MAX
Golden Note Note: 6570 MAX
GreatSuccess Note: 29500 MAX
h.i.g.h. Course: 5050 MAX
Hernando Red Gear: 8090 MAX
Jazz Soul Gear: 36500 MAX
Let's Go Baby Song: 5470 MAX
Let's Go Baby AR Version OST: 10750 MAX
Light House Song: 4050 MAX
Long Vacation Song: 300 MAX
LPG Note Note: 27000 MAX
Luv Flow Another Version OST: 7710 MAX
MASAI Gear: 40500 MAX
Max Sound Station Course: 15150 MAX
Mixx Course: 1550 MAX
NaruA Note Note Note: 40000 MAX
Never be the Same Not-Published Music Video MEDIA: 35000 MAX
Never Say No Cut Version MEDIA: 30500 MAX
Oblivion Gear Gear: 26500 MAX
Red Gear Gear: 17550 MAX
ShineSten Note Note: 16350 MAX
Shooting Star Gear: 11150 MAX
ShootingStar Note: 22000 MAX
SIN No Cut Version MEDIA: 21000 MAX
Sky Watching Course: 9230 MAX
Spectacle Gear Gear: 13950 MAX
Spinel Ruby Gear: 1050 MAX
Star Note Note: 4550 MAX
Sweety Note Note: 500 MAX
Temptation Remix OST: 14350 MAX
The Horrors Course: 12350 MAX
The Others Course: 23000 MAX
Triple ZOE Song: 14750 MAX
Visual Artist Party Course: 17950 MAX
[Piano Concerto No.1, Remixed from Chaikovsky's.] Song: 11550 MAX

Select Freestyle mode and get the indicated combo amount then, break your combo to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Aqua Note Note: 30000 Combo
BrokenMANDU Note: 19000 Combo
Chrono Breakers No.1 IMAGE: 25000 Combo
Crystal Note Note: 50000 Combo
DJMAX Online "Battle Room 1" OST Track: 18000 Combo
DJMAX Online "Lobby Music 2" OST Track: 32500 Combo
DJMAX Online "Lose" OST Track: 22500 Combo
DJMAX Online "Music Select 1" OST Track: 16500 Combo
DJMAX Online Movie Teaser Flash Movie MEDIA: 17500 Combo
DJMAX PORTABLE Ending Credit MEDIA: 27500 Combo
Dreadnought Song: 13500 Combo
Elastic STAR No Cut Version Media: 12000 Combo
ElasticSTAR Take 1 OST Track: 10000 Combo
ElasticSTAR Take 2 OST Track: 14500 Combo
FunkyChups Ache Works Version Media: 4000 Combo
Hamsin No.1 IMAGE: 35000 Combo
MASAI Note Note: 11500 Combo
Minimal Life Song: 9000 Combo
Musical Note Note: 8500 Combo
NB RANGER Song: 2000 Combo
NB Ranger Gear Gear: 20000 Combo
OUT LAW No Cut Version Media: 500 Combo
PG Black Gear: 2500 Combo
RedSpirit Note Note: 16000 Combo
Revenge MR Version OST Track: 13000 Combo
Revenge Song: 6000 Combo
River Flow International version only: 13500 Combo
Road of Death Song: 11000 Combo
Rose Note Note: 4500 Combo
Sunny Side No Cut Version: 7000 Combo
Trumpet Gear: 40000 Combo
Winterstar Gear Gear: 7500 Combo
[Special Track] Lucy OST Track: 90000 Combo