ClayFighter 63 1/3 - 300 Hit Combos

ClayFighter 63 1/3 - 300 Hit Combos

300 Hit Combos

First perform any combo. Then when your opponent's life meter turns red execute one of your character's special moves.

Alternate Colors

Press CDown to select your character.

Stage Select

When the Vs screen appears in twoplayer mode press CRight or CLeft to change the stage you will fight in.

Play as Boogerman

At the Character select screen hold L then press Up Right Down Left Right Left on the DPad and not the Analog Stick.

Play as Dr. Kiln

At the Character select screen hold L then press B CLeft CUp CRight CDown A.

Play as Sumo Santa

At the Character select screen hold L then press A CDown CRight CUp CLeft B.

Secret Options

At the Character select screen hold L then press CUp CRight CLeft CDown B A A. Now go to the Options Menu.

Moves List