Citizens of Earth

Citizens of Earth Citizens of Earth Citizens of Earth Citizens of Earth

Complete the following Tasks to earn the listed achievement. To view your
achievements and stats in Steam, select "Community", then search for the
game hub that corresponds to [Citizens Of Earth]. Select the "View Stats"
drop down option, then choose the option for your username's achievements.

Achievement - How to unlock:

Ambassador's Club - Get one citizen to Lv 20.
Bring it On! - Receive 10,000 damage in combat.
Budget Cuts - Spend $1,000.
Capitol Punishment - Defeat the Puppet President.
Career Politician - Recruit 25 citizens.
Charitable Donation - Use 150 items.
Coffee Break - Defeat Mr. Mocha.
Crisis Averted - Defeat the Secretary Supreme.
Diplomat's Club - Get all citizens to Lv 30.
Early Retirement - Earn $10,000.
Easy Money - Earn $1,000.
Explorer - Discover 10 locations.
Favored to Win - Ambush 10 enemies in a row.
Junior Statesman - Recruit 5 citizens.
Master Bureaucrat - Deal 10,000 damage in combat.
Odds 'n Ends - Collect 30 items.
Trailblazer - Discover 20 locations.
Treasure Hunter - Find 45 treasures.
Walk it Off! - Receive 2,500 damage in combat.
World Leader - Recruit all 40 citizens.