Beast Wars: Transformers - Saved Game All levels completed with no robots lost

Beast Wars: Transformers - Saved Game All levels completed with no robots lost

Saved Game All levels completed with no robots lost

Infinite Points

Go to a rock wall in a desert level. Shoot the rocks and your points will go up with every shot. If shooting in one area doesn't work shoot an edge.

Level Skip

Pause the game hold L2 then press Up Down Left Right Triangle X X Triangle Right Left Down Up. Unpause the game while still holding L2.

Super Weapons

While playing quickly press Up Down Left Right Triangle X Square.

Weapon PowerUp

Pause the game hold L2 then press Up Down Left Right Triangle X Square. Unpause the game while still holding L2.

Extra Characters

At the Options screen hold L1 L2 R1 R2 and press Circle X Triangle Circle Circle X Square.