Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: China

Game Cheats:

Stealthily crouch whenever possible as this gives you better opportunities to sneak and remain undetected.

Cover Points:
Cover points enable you to move from one place to another unseen as long as you stay out of the visual range of the enemy. Use cover points to your advantage to stealthily sneak up to and kill guards undetected. Cover points include dark rooms and plants.

Throwing Knives:
Use throwing knives to damage enemies from afar and to cut ropes that hold heavy hanging objects so they come crashing down on guards who are underneath.

Rope Dart:
Use the rope dart to kill guards while climbing ladders or walls. To use the rope dart you need to wait for the prompt that indicates the enemy is in range before pressing the attack button and sending the dart right into their skulls. If you try to use the rope dart with more than one guard around you will be spotted.

Use the whistle on guards that are within the range of the sound to distract or move them to another area. You just need to make sure you are not in the guards visual range when you use it otherwise they will spot you.

Guards Cone Vision Colour:
Make a note of the colour of the guards cone of vision as this indicates how alert they are. If you are hidden and the guard suspects soomething their cone of vision will change to yellow and if the guard is in pursuit it will change to red. Once a guard has been alerted you need to eliminate them as quickly as possible before they call for help and you get surrounded.

The key to being successful is to stay out of the visual range of the guards while being as quiet as possible so you don’t draw unnecessary attention. The best way to attack the guards is either from above or from behind as this takes advantage of the guards cone of vision.

Eye Icon:
Whenever you see a little eye icon appear above a guards head it is to indicate that they are about to turn around. Unless you want to be spotted you need to run to a cover point so you can strike quietly.

Eagle Vision:
Learn the guards walking patterns so you can plan your next move by pressing the R3 button to activate Eagle Vision. Wth Eagle Vision activated you will be able to see how far the guards will be able to go and where they are heading to next.

Stealthily crouch whenever possible as this gives you better opportunities to sneak and remain undetected.