Armored Core 3 - Add Defeated AC39s emblem to your list

Armored Core 3 - Add Defeated AC39s emblem to your list

Add Defeated AC's emblem to your list

While viewing a defeated ACon the victory screen press Select Start. A sound confirms correct entry

Get Momentary 1st Person View

Use a saved game file from Armored core 2 and save and resume in Armored Coe 3 from that card. Then Pause the game and press L1 R2 X Square D pad to get 1st person view until game is resumed.

Secret Parts So Not Cheats

Not all This Parts Are Easy To Get So Here's A Hint
MLH-MX/VOLAR Type Performance location Garage Mission Ac Test 1 Get S rating
About 45 Targets will do.
CBT-FLEET Location First Layer Nature Area Mission Destroy Massive MT Northwest Cornor Small Nook Part Middle Kind of Black Spot On Ground Do This At The Begging.
Sorry That capitols at first letter of wordsend to email for help
MLB-MOONLIGHT one of the best swords
Location First Layer Nature Area Mission Destroy Massive MT Destroy Mt Without
Ally Or Allies I found All Parts I add Soon

Time release

To have infinite boost for 30 seconds hold R2, L2, and press R3 Press in right joy stick during gamplay and you will have ultimate boost for thirty seconds, but it takes thirty seconds for it to reboost.

Dropping Parts

To drop Right Arm Weapon, Back & Inside Parts Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Triangle
To drop Left Arm Weapons Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 Circle
To Drop Extension Parts Hold L1 L2 R1 R2 L3