Arctic Thunder - No Drones Mode

Arctic Thunder - No Drones Mode

No Drones Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press X X Y Y White Black Start.

Expert Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Y X Y Y X Start.

All Randoms Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Black R X Y Black R Start.

All Atomic Snowballs Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press X X X White Y Start.

All Grappling Hooks and Randoms Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Y Y L Y Y White Start.

All Rooster Tails Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Black R L White X Start.

All Snow Bombs and Randoms Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Y Y Black R Start.

All Boost Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Y Black Black Y R Start.

Clone Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press White L L Y White Y Start.

Everyone Invisible Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press X Y X R Y Y Start.

No PowerUps Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press X X Y X R X Start.

Super Boost Wheelie Mode

After startup and before selecting a player press Y White X R X L Start.